Sunday, May 13, 2007

The Heart

Heart energy signal receptors found.

The muscles of the heart rarely fail on their own. Common causes of heart disease, stroke, and other pulmonary failures are blockages in the arteries and the loosening of plaques that then clog other areas of the circulatory system. The makeup of the blood plays a key role in the formation of plaques and blood pressure. The arteries themselves aid in circulation, moreso when they are spongy and rubbery. Adjusting their spongy response in the same way as cartilidge health is promoted can help the heart's function. The heart itself is very sturdy and experiences other kinds of difficulties so long as the system is flowing freely. The ability for heart cells to heal themselves in the same or similar ways cartilidge and nerve cells heal is a step forward in healing the effects of strokes and may play a role in parkinsons' disease and other degenerative neurological disorders.

For these reasons, diet, lifestyle, exercise, liver function and blood content are more serious factors in the heart itself in heart attacks and otherwise heart-related ailments.

Parent Article: British Grow Heart Valve from Stem Cells

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